350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Requirements to a control circuit and a missile payload of surface-to-air missile increasing the efficiency of defeat
N.Yu. Potanina - Leading Engineer, JSC "MSDB "Almaz-Antey?. E-mail: nadpotanina@yandex.ru
Modern systems of the antiaircraft operated weapon should provide struggle against means of an air attack practically all types. The antiaircraft rocket complex represents difficult enough system of the devices providing missile guidance to the target and its defeat. Last stage of surface-to-air missile (SAM) control is characterized by a choice of a way and the detonation moment, the control of its parameters to ensure the target defeat with the set probability. Principal parameters of the control circuit and the missile payload influencing on an air target surface intercept in a meeting point are considered in the article. When firing at air targets with arbitrary angles interception the simplified efficiency estimation model is not enough. By determining factors are added heterogeneity scattering of striking elements of the missile, the target real form, necessity to consider corners of meeting and a miss phase. All it leads to necessity of a complex estimation of mutual work of missile guidance system and warhead SAM. This dependence appears enough difficult and has probabilistic character, therefore in practice for an efficiency estimation use complex mathematical models. Results of research allow to speak about the possibility of individual control parameters of the guidance system and fighting equipment SAM for the purpose of increase the target defeat probability. In the final table present the basic adjustable parameters and possible solutions to the problem of increasing the effectiveness of anti-aircraft fire.
Pages: 72-76

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