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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Heat-resistant polymers - promising materials for high-speed aircraft radomes
S.R. Lebedev - Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Chief Research Scientist, JSC «EMC of «Vega» Concern». Е-mail: lebedev@imc-vega.ru
A.A. Semenov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «EMC of «Vega» Concern». Е-mail: semenov@imc-vega.ru
Last decades means of an aerospace attack start to play a crucial role in achievement of military successes. In the countries of OTAN, mainly in the USA, works on creation of new generation of shock means on the basis of the hypersound rocket weapon under the program of lightning global impact (Prompt Global Strike) are at full speed conducted. Creation of perspective shock means of defeat requires the decision, first of all, complex материаловедческих the problems connected with an indispensability, for example maintenance of working capacity of active heads of radar-tracking prompting (AHRP) high-speed rockets in conditions of influence of heats and loads. Head antenna обтекатель is one of the major elements of design FD, substantially defining working capacity AHRP, aerodynamic characteristics and accuracy of prompting on objective. Hypersound speeds of flight FD lead to substantial increase of temperatures on a surface radomes, that causes an indispensability of work on creation of new types of materials for maintenance of functioning of radar-tracking complexes ЛА. On the basis of literary data about physicomechanical and dielectric properties of the basic domestic temperature resistance polymers in article the analysis of prospects of their use as materials for radomes (windows) high-speed FD is lead. It is shown, that the greatest prospects of application have compositions on the basis of Teflon as from positions of their unique dielectric properties, so heat resistances and adaptability to manufacture of manufacturing of products. The new perspective class of polymeric materials for radiotransparent radomes FD represents also polyetherketons, «forgotten» in last 20 years.
Pages: 32-38

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