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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Scientific-and-production complex «Pluton» strategy of getting out of crisis
product quality
reappraisal of values
S.V. Kalushin - Director General, JSC «Pluton». E-mail: kalushin@pluton.msk.ru
S.V. Komissarchik - Director General Counselor, JSC «Pluton»
N.D. Lifanov - Production Director, JSC «Pluton»
I.P. Li - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department Manager, JSC «Pluton». E-mail: ork@pluton.msk.ru
S.V. Komissarchik - Director General Counselor, JSC «Pluton»
N.D. Lifanov - Production Director, JSC «Pluton»
I.P. Li - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department Manager, JSC «Pluton». E-mail: ork@pluton.msk.ru
It has been shown that a crisis in its wave-like, contradictive system movement performs three important functions:
Dramatic weakness or elimination (or qualitative transformation) of outdated elements of the dominant system which has exhausted its potential;
specifying originally weak elements of a new system, the future cycle;
specifying stable and viable system elements (usually they are simultaneous surviving elements of the super system) which are accumulated, kept, transfered to the future (sometimes partly modifying).
New OJ-SC «Pluton» management whose main target was to avoid the enterprise (system) fatal consequences together with the collective body had to pursue the policy of reorganization, work out anti-crisis technologies being the important variation of the management technologies.
One of the essential measures on OJ-SC «Pluton» functioning was the creation of the scientific-and-production complex combining all scientific and production structures as its integral part. It meant that the management had started the reorganization.
The enterprise advancement plan has been developed and implemented to cause threefold increase of output products and services rendered within the period from 2003 to the present. Expenses optimization as well as the number of skilled staff preservation have also contributed to salary growth and social pays. During the specified period, the enterprise management and its collective were able to invest the large volume of financial resources into both reconstruction and construction of production premises and other buildings, manufacturing and purchase of new equipment, development and mastering industrial production of new updated devices and units.
To get out of crisis the enterprise development strategy has been adjusted and according to the planning and strategy management, a number of system reforms has been carried out.
Pages: 61-64
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