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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Research of deterioration of the cutting tool and forecasting of its firmness in the automated manufacture
V.P. Marin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MIREA
P.G. Tretyakov - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
A.V. Malyshev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch
P.G. Tretyakov - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
A.V. Malyshev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch
The basic difficulty at dimensional processing of large ring preparations from titanic alloys is low productivity of process of draught processing by cutting which consists in repeated removal of a defective blanket.
The review of references in comparison to experience of the enterprises working over the given problem, has allowed to allocate processing (draught) internal and external surfaces of large ring preparations with mills, as the most effective method by criterion of productivity.
In connection with great volume of processing, the question of increase of reliability of the cutting tool demands the system approach which includes the analysis of the major factors influencing reliability of work of the tool, including technological features of carried out operation, a chemical compound and structure of preparations, size, character and physicomechanical properties of a cut off allowance, ways of processing and other conditions that demands change of the general approach to the manufacture organisation at the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry.
Practice of operation of cutting systems shows that the tool is the least reliable element. Dispersion of firmness of the tool, unforeseen refusals lead to work decline of productivity, the marriage occurrence, the raised expense of the cutting tool, decrease in stability of process of machining. In modern conditions the major indicators of quality of the tool are indicators of its firmness and reliability.
On the basis of the spent researches it has been defined that application of a settlement method will allow to raise reliability of operations of machining and to calculate optimum modes of cutting.
By results of the performed work the organisation of production of processing of large ring preparations from titanic alloys at the enterprises a RЕP is offered, allowing to intensify processes of processing by an edge of details of the chosen class with set reliability and reduction of the nomenclature of the equipment in comparison with traditional methods.
Pages: 27-31
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