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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Sintered electrode fluorescent lamp
Nyu Myint Wei - Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch. E-mail: fn2kf@list.ru
The analysis of the results of research previously proposed electrodes and fabrication technologies. He confirmed the ineffectiveness of their use in the modern design of the lamp, and at the same time - the prospects of using the hollow cathode effect is in a low-pressure arc discharge. The results allowed us to develop a miniature sintered electrode. The electrode is a core of refractory material, on which are fixed two Sintered parts made in the form of spherical segments, radius surface which are directed towards each other. Sintered parts are tungsten spongy matrix, in which the pores are filled with emissive material having in its composition carbonates of barium-strontium-calcium. Variable distance between the inner surfaces allows to maintain the hollow cathode effect on the natural changes in pressure of the filling gas discharge volume during the life of the lamp. The use of slip casting techniques or extrusion molding the batch can be used in the manufacture of high performance electrodes automated equipment. In this construction a sufficient mechanical strength is ensured even when the matrix porosity of up to 50%. Among the advantages of the electrode - the possibility of a substantial increase in the amount of emission of the substance and the absence of metallic elements which are subject to accelerated spray in a glow discharge. Test lamps of 60 watts under frequent inclusions showed no visible deposition on the wall of the discharge bulb after 2000 cycles. Basic design developed sintered electrode and its method of fabrication allows to easily change the size of the electrode and its individual parts, tungsten matrix porosity and thus, the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the sintered part. It should be noted that the developed electrode allows its use in modern fluorescent lamps without any change in the technology and equipment for their production.
Pages: 31-35

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