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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Approaches for standardization of input-output systems in next-generation on-board computing complexes
On-board computing complexes
input-output subsystem
connection module
hardware interface
N.V. Borisenko - Senior Engineer, JSC «NII «Argon»
Onboard computing systems are specialized aircraft-based computer equipment.
To pair with the exterior to the onboard computer complex equipment installed on the vehicle uses a set of specialized external interfaces. External interfaces and elements of computing system that implement these interfaces represent the input-output subsystem.
The functionality and versatility of the onboard computer system is largely determined by the versatility and flexibility of input-output subsystem that provides a set of external interfaces.
The main functional component of the input-output subsystem modern on-board computer systems module is the interconnection module, which is an interface adapter in a modular design. Interface devices in standalone unit have their own housing containing interconnection-adapter modules and power supply.
Many elements of the interface device architecture in modular and autonomous design can be unified and universal for the selected type of external interface. Local interfaces within an interconnection-adapter modules are also subject to unification, if the basic element of input-output subsystem is front-end interface channel, which includes blocks of physical and link layers of interaction.
Step by step method of unification of elements of a number of different interface devices can reduce development time of equipment and eliminate the need to create a new system software support for input-output subsystem, when the first phase of development based on the principles of scalability and configurability.
List of standardized architectural elements assists to create a universal core for the construction of input-output subsystem within computing complex. With the implementation of this universal core in the format of basic input-output module can create a wide range of interfaces in various designs with different sets of channels of external interfaces using a single software. Universal input-output core, designed as PMC mezzanine basic input-output module, can be used together with a computational modules with PCI / PCI-X system bus.
Pages: 44-54
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