350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The contemporary state of endoscope
V.A. Baskin, V.Y. Litnovsky, I.V. Fokin
The article provides a review of the state of the art of modern equipment for conducting capsular endoscopy of the digestive tract. The first wireless endoscopic capsule was designed and launched by the company Given Imaging. This capsule, as well as Endocapsule by Olympus and the capsule OMOM by Jinshan Science & Technology make up the first generation of endoscopic capsules. They have similar functional parameters, which include only receiving images of the digestive tract and sending them to the registring device fixed on a patient. The second generation, for instance, pillCam ESO by Given Imaging for examining the gullitis represented by capsules focusing on the digestive tract. The new generation of endoscopic capsules has more functional characteristics than the previous capsules. This means additional sensors and solenoids and, finally, engaging more electronic devices which help better diagnosing and give the chance of treating for some diseases.
Pages: 112-116

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