350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Electrooptic modulators usage for the assessment of the characteristics of electromagnetic pulses, affecting receiving devices of radioelectronic means with large antenna systems
radioelectronic means
antenna systems
electromagnetic pulse
electro-optic modulators
interference protectability
EMP parameters assessment
A.A. Vasiliev, N.A. Pantelyuk, I.V. Fokin, A.Y. Perlov
A large quantity of interference sources for the work of RES determine the necessity of rising interference protectability of the constructed devices. Among the variety of EMP parameters (characteristics) we can single out the most significant ones in consideration of their influence on RES parameters. These characteristics include:
- small value of time duration (pulse fall time and rise time of the order of 10-9?10-6 s);
- high value of electromagnetic pulse electric field intensity (1-500 kV/m).
As the method of rising interference protectability of RES we suggest the usage of more resistant to EMP exposure optical elements when developing component units and repair. For elaboration of protecting methods we must immediately assess parameters of the effecting EMP and define the type of influence.
Pages: 102-105
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