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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Comparison of local models of troposphere refractive index
A.G. Vinogradov, A.N. Teokharov
Single radar measurements of delays and angles of arrival of the received signal are considered as indirect measurements of distance and angular coordinates of targets, whose accuracy is governed by inhomogeneity of the medium of propagation. Errors of such measurements are determined by the difference of signal group velocity from the speed of light and the ray refraction. Expressions for these errors are given. Several local models of the troposphere refractive index are compared using mathematical simulation, the quality criterion being the differences between the group distance and/or the angle of signal arrival calculated for these models and those calculated for experimental profiles of troposphere refractive index. As experimental profiles, data obtained from the results of the radio occultation experiments were used.
Pages: 54-64

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