350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Interference immunity of the signals receiving in the presence of intermodulation interferences
A.V. Levsha, V.V. Pechurin, Z.F. Shaydulin
High use of a radio-frequency spectrum in high frequency range at the communication and different interference sources do difficult signal situation in a receiving point. Individual signals and interferences forming a group radio signal are at the cause nonlinear distortions in the receiving channel. 3rd order intermodulation components make high influence on an interference immunity of the signal receiving. It is caused insignificant frequency mismatch of the interfering signal concerning desired signal frequency. The article contains the analytical expressions of error probability for the non-fading channel and Rayleigh fading channel in the presence of the 3rd order intermodulation interferences. Calculations are implement for various number and kinds of interferences. It is shown that error probability in the presence of the intermodulation interferences increases more than ten times.
Pages: 31-34

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