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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The conceptual aspects of development of an automated information system
А.А. Kotyashichev
To increase effectiveness of control in conditions of permanent growing of information volume for making of reasoned decisions, the most progressive tendency is an employment of a decision-making support system. This system is the basis of officials - decision-making support process exercised by means of automated information system. The article contains the main characteristics of automated information system operating conditions. The essential factors having an influence on effectiveness of automated information system are analyzed in it. There is a research task of the officials - role and place in the modern automated information systems during the preparing and development of managerial decisions. Formulation of the research problem of officials - role relationship conception and the decision-making intelligence support system is formally realized in this paper. The tracks of a solution to the research problem are established. The general mechanism of decision-making support realized by means of an expert system is suggested as well as the composition of expert system elements is reasoned.
Pages: 11-15

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