350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Laser analyzer in the method of science properties of multicomponent liquid media
A.P. Korzhavyi, M.A. Smeltsov
analytical equipment and techniques such as IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and other fluid systems (suspensions, emulsions, colloidal solutions) with water by these methods were studied in detail. Based on the results of these studies, in this work for the purposes of similar proposed to use the method of scattering of coherent radiation using laser analyzers that are produced in St. Petersburg. In the study of fluids, he methodically analogous to the method of infrared spectroscopy, although the modern trends to produce laser analyzer of information can be embedded directly in the manufacturing process and control the properties of multi-component liquid. Detailed experimental technique using laser analyzer in the study of the properties of a number of liquids, which include water. Authors have carried out work on the selection of songs stabilizers ditch fuel mixture of gasoline and water. At work pays particular attention to best match the fuel mixture with the Russian standards for motor fuels are taken into account operational and environmental characteristics of the fuel. The result of this work was the creation of a new class of motor fuels with common water content of up to 1% by volume. This fuel has received designation MIX18, which is expressed in Latin characters multifuel character mixture, but a number - the total content of the stabilizer, in % vol. Application in the quality of the stabilizer composition stve alcohols allows flexible control characteristics of the fuel mixture, by changing their ratio in the mixture. In particular, this method was developed winter, summer and transitional types of composite motor fuel. Conducted by an accredited La Laboratory tests MIX18 winter kind of show that turbidity mixture starts only at temperatures below minus 65 °C. Investigation of matrix structure mixture "gasoline-alcohol-water" carries out the above-described experimental techniques using laser analyzer.
Pages: 43-54

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