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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Antifriction properties of built-up layers on titanium alloys oxidize-consistent welding rod
antifriction properties
thermal oxidation
micro-arc oxidation
welding deposition
surfacing wire
argon-arc method
I.S. Fatiev, V.K. Shatalov, V.I. Mihailov, S.A. Vasin, A.L. Groshev
Presented are the results of experimental works aimed at welding deposition on titanium alloys using modern methods of welding wire surface layer doping. The most promising methods of improving the antifriction and wear resistance properties of parts made of titanium alloys are the methods of welding up the material using the welding rods with surface layer subjected to chemico-thermal treatment or micro-arc oxidation. Anodizing allows obtaining oxide layers containing certain antifriction components.
Comparative mechanical tests of cylindrical samples cut out of the welded up layer confirmed efficiency of the method. The metal welded up by argon-arc method using non-consumable electrode with filler wire treated by micro-arc oxidation satisfied the technical requirements. Micro-arc oxidation of rods both increases the strength and preserve relatively high plasticity. Micro-arc oxidation of filler rods made of wire ВТ6св increases dry friction wear resistance by factor two or three comparing to thermal oxidation of ПТ-7М filler rods conducted according to code ОСТ 5.9994-86.
When filler rods are microalloyed with oxygen, micro-arc oxidation provides higher productivity and lower cost comparing to thermal oxidation.
Pages: 35-42
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