350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of scale formation in heat exchange systems, forced perspective
S.V. Gnedenkov, A.N. Minaev, L.V. Lysenko, V.K. Shatalov, E.I. Shapkina, S.L. Lysenko
Development and improvements of heat exchanger systems requires application of advanced technological processes allowing increased life time and reliability. Sea water used in ship power plants leads to formation of salt layer on the surfaces of heat exchangers, which reduces heat transfer and efficiency. In the present work a design of a marine equipment test stand is discussed. Salt deposition mass accumulation during exploitation is analyzed. Plasma-electrolytic oxidation is used to increase corrosion resistance and scale formation resistance of heat exchangers working in marine conditions. Heat exchanger surface coating techniques, as well as scale forming resistance properties of composite layers developed on the base of plasma-electrolytic layers are discussed.
Pages: 26-34
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