350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Some approaches to the development of energy-saving technologies based on forms of transport angular momentum transport
L.V. Lysenko, A.K. Gorbunov, A.P. Korzhavyi, V.K. Shatalov, A.L. Lysenko
In the natural battery - the mitochondria of living cells - the binding energy between the atoms of phosphorus and oxygen are makroenergeticheskimi. If they break a substantial amount of energy released. Basic laws of energy transformation in mitochondria proposed and described by Professor A.D. Vinogradov. Unique is also the transport of energy in living cells. In studies of energy transport in macroscopic systems also received quite understandable results. For example, depending on the state in which the thermodynamic system to behave differently and thermodynamic flows. Such flows of the substance or momentum transfer from one medium to another part, occur when the values of certain physical parameters vary its volume, and generally known. Power technological processes - is quite a different investigation. Power technological processes - a physical and chemical processes that accompany the transformation of matter, energy and angular momentum. In this case, energy technology processes are considered as the transformation of matter, energy and angular momentum with the diffusion-kinetic stages. On this basis, in the paper, a number of theoretical and computational research that will offer some of the consequences of the phenomenological equations. From these effects implies that the energy-technological interpretation of the diversity of flows summarized in this case, the kinetic and transport forms of transport of momentum and angular momentum. In general, the studies carried out on the kinetics of momentum and angular momentum gives reason to believe that they define the transition from transport technologies to kinetic forms of transport.
Pages: 20-25

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