350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
State control of readiness of the airmobile complex of the special purpose to threat reflection
A.V. Betskov, I.V. Prokopyev
The problem of a choice of the moment of transfer of safety system of an airmobile complex of a special purpose in the state of readiness to repulse of external threat (including armed) is solved. Costs of maintenance of readiness of airmobile complex, damage from external threat, temporal resources, performance measures of securable object (objects) are considered in case of different states of readiness of airmobile complex. In this article, authors offer approach to the solution of the control task of readiness of AMK as the system ensuring safety, especially in crisis situations (for example, to threat repulse), assuming that time of external influence is known value. The idea of explained approach consists of estimates of risks of dangerous external influences taking into account duration of processes of preparation of system of AMK, duration of impact of external threat and counteraction it, and also ratios of expenses for maintenance of its readiness and damage level from implementation of unacceptable external influence.
Pages: 33-36

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