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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Application of thesauruses and ontologies in intellectual archives of the cad documentation
N.G. Yarushkina, A.M. Namestnikov
In CAD systems dictionaries, thesauruses, semantic networks and ontologies are applied generally. As an object of the research provided in article it served fuzzy logic termset. At first because of the size and it is finite model of a certain sublanguage. Secondly, experts in this domain were available. During operation it was created termset (consisting 1048 terms) which includes not only terms of sublanguage of fuzzy logic, but also other sublanguages and therefore it can be partitioned into 6 subdictionaries. Selection of terms was carried out on the basis of expert evaluations method from special texts. According to statistic operations the main contents of the scientific article are submitted the text in 1000 of word usage and this volume is accepted to the minimum selection. Therefore the texts provided have volume from 1000 to 5000 word usage. Statistical document handling is carried out and the frequency word books are made. 200 documents on fuzzy logic, 50 documents on mathematics and 50 documents on logic, with a total amount of 832 154 words were processed. In case of creation of domain ontology as components of an intellectual design repository the hierarchy of concepts and a set of the terms associated with concepts is created. Actually for each concept the terminological field consisting of those terms of domain which are related to the specified concept takes place. In case of creation of the ontologies there is a problem of determination of quality of a terminological field of concepts. The expert in case of enough simple ontologies (a small amount of concepts and terms) is capable to create quality standard only. For real ontologies as a part of a repository such task it becomes difficult and means of automated estimation of quality of such ontologies are necessary.
Pages: 79-86


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