350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Modelling and optimization of systems of stochastic management by consumption of thermal energy by the building
consumption of thermal energy
thermal stream
A.S. Rtishcheva
Novelty in problems of management of a microclimate is made today by application of methods of the theory of optimum control by means of which taking note of random factors (temperature of external air, speed and the direction of a wind, additional the heatreceipts, the illuminants connected with existence, the computer equipment, the industrial or household equipment, and also the person) is possible.
In work the model of a thermal condition of a thermal zone which considers various thermal receipts and the thermal losses having also casual character was received. On the basis of Bellman\'s equations and Hamilton Jacobi expression for optimum control is received and the matrix coefficient of strengthening is found, and also the equations for optimum estimation of parameters of a condition are presented. Results of numerical research allowed to estimate influence of casual influences on effective management of consumption of thermal energy of the building.
Thus, the presented models and algorithms define procedure of optimum control by heat carrier temperature for maintenance of a preset value of temperature of internal air in a thermal zone.
Pages: 50-52
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