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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The markers detection and recognition on facias of biologic liquids images in early medical diagnostic
medical computer diagnostics
facie of biological liquid
algorithms for identification markers
V.R. Krasheninnikov, L.I. Trubnikova, M.L. Albutova, A.S. Kopylova, A.V. Tarasova
The early diagnostics of diseases is very important for its treatment. One of the methods of early diagnostics is based on examination of human biological liquids (V.N. Shabalin and S.N. Shatohina). A small drop of liquid is drawn on an object-plate and dried out slowly; there remains a thin dry pellicle (facia). The peculiarities of organism states affect the process of crystallization and typical structures (markers) appear on facia image. The authors of this method have convincingly proven that according to the composition and location of these markers it possible to distinguish not only the existing and apparent diseases, but also their initial form, when no symptoms are observed. If a mass preventive examination of population is being carried out it is necessary to scan several images for each person, i.e. a great number of images. Thus, there appears a task of creating algorithms of markers recognition on facia images.
The algorithms for detection of several structures on images of blood serum and cervix mucus facias are suggested in this paper. There are toxic plaques, wrinkles, combs, leafs, funnel-shaped structures, flagelliform structures, cracks silver, spins, three-rayed cracks and U- cracks.
The main idea of these algorithms is to distinguish a system of factors different value combinations (or availability) of which will correspond to its own image. These factors of marks are: position on facia and relative facia skeleton, form, brightness, dispersion, distance and position from each other, background texture, etc.
The suggested algorithm have rather high efficacy and requires low computational cost, so are suitable for application in computer medical diagnostics.
Pages: 36-41
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