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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Convergence of regular interpolation and local interpolation bases
local regular interpolation
reconstruction of signals
convergence of interpolation process
interpolation basis
V.N. Isakov
At regular interpolation on each individual interval of sampling interpolation the curve is formed by identical rules. Such interpolation is considered examined, at which the conditions of a coordination (diagram of interpolation function are carried out passes through units of interpolation), linearity (at addition of discrete signals them interpolation functions are develop), convergence (at unlimited reduction of a step of sampling the interpolation function comes nearer to a restored signal).
For a signal with the limited spectrum the task of interpolation has the unique decision determined by the theorem of Kotelnikov. However restoration of signals on the basis of a Kotelnikov series meets significant difficulties at physical realization. In practice there are more preferably local methods of interpolation, that causes a urgency of consideration of a question about convergence of interpolation process.
It is possible to show, that the convergence of interpolation process at restoration of a signal with the limited spectrum is provided, if the method of interpolation carries out exact restoration of unit.
The class of functions satisfying to a condition of restoration units, closes concerning Fourier-transformation.
To a condition of convergence satisfy, for example, step interpolation, piecewise-linear interpolation, -interpolation, local interpolation with the Lagrange polynomial, local spline-interpolation.
Pages: 40-46
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