350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Methodology of information and analytical systems during implementation of new technologies in it-projects of a large-scale company
L.V. Menshikova
Implementation of a new technology in projects of information is very complex process. The author of the article offers the classification of new technologies methodologies within IT-projects of the large-scale companies and describes the methods and models of information and analytical systems development as tools of the analysis and designing of the systems. The author marks out three types of the methodology, namely - Path 1 ? «Russian» - choosing of one of the software suites automating appointed area of enterprise - activity (of in-house design or developed by contractors). In case of IGMAS - it is the project on building of the Multifunctional Satellite System - MSS; Path 2 ? «French» - in-house problems definition design in close cooperation of representatives of the enterprise - customer of this automated system (methodology specialists) and representatives of IT department (technical architectures); Path 3 ? «American» - repeated problems definition design done by contractors in close cooperation with representatives of the enterprise - customer of this automated system (methodology specialists).
Pages: 12-18
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