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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Nanostructured powder of Y<sub>3</sub>AL<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12</sub>:CE, obtained by coprecipitation
G.A. Dosovitskiy, D.E. Kuznetsova, P.A. Volkov, K.S. Napolskii, I.V. Rosliakov, Yu.A. Velikodniy, S.N. Mudretsova, K.B. Bogatov, A.L. Mikhlin, A.E. Dosovitskiy
precipitate, obtained using ammonium hydrocarbonate, contains ammonia ions as well as Y, Al, Ce. Perovskite and garnet phases form consequently in the powder under calcination; sigle garnet phase is being formed on annealing at 1100oC. Powder, obtained using ammonium hydrocarbonate as a precipitant, consists of particles smaller then 100 nm, gathered into 1-20 µm agglomerates; powder, precipitated wit ammonia water solution consists of monolithic particles with sizes of 0,5-5 µm. Both powders possess yellow photoluminescence.
Pages: 48-52
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