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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Research of processes of mixture and granulation a method of compaction of raw furnace charges for production of soil and integumentary enamels
granulation process
multicomponent materials
durability of a tile
boric anhydride
D.A. Makarenkov, V.I. Nazarov
Methods of a granulation of powdery materials are now that basis round which all process of processing of a material as in many productions it is necessary to deal with powdery materials which need to be granulated is formed. The granulation of powder and dust-like materials improves technological and structural and deformation properties of substance, prevents caking, facilitates loading and unloading works and transportation of such products. Replacement of powdery furnace charge by granules increases quality of production, its trade dress, and also improves sanitary and hygienic working conditions and allows to reduce emissions in environment. It should be noted that one of important tendencies of existing technologies of processing of materials is involvement in economic circulation of the secondary material resources which are forming in adjacent productions. It allows to replace valuable components of furnace charge and to reduce the cost of an initial material for furnace charge preparation. Owing to different physical and chemical properties of furnace charge the reasonable integrated approach to creation of the granulated material is necessary at corresponding hardware registration.
In this work all stages of process of receiving the granulated material, such as mixture-crushing-pressing are considered in a complex. Parameters at each stage, reflecting structural and deformation properties of furnace charge are determined. Mixture and crushing in the device allows to raise a specific surface and reactionary ability of furnace charge that further leads to decrease in energy consumption when pressing and to receiving stronger pressings.
Pages: 30-35
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