350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Technique of creation of the visual interface of the human-machine control system of object in real time
V.M. Кrol, A.K. Krasnikov, O.N. Andreeva
Nature of activity of the person operator of an automated workplace of the Navy differs not only an operating mode in real time, but also specifics of subject domain of research. All images on the screen of the monitor of the person operator are under construction on the basis of use of three «elementary» images: geometrical figures, fragments of drawings, number - alphabetic expressions. In work the analysis of known methods of testing of visual perception is given by the person. It is established that these methods not fully cover all essential aspects of work of the operator of an automated workplace and need completion of the corresponding tests. The following main indicators of quality of a visual susceptibility and reaction of the person are considered: fields of vision, the accuracy of an identification, the characteristic of process of movement of eyes when scanning image. These indicators are used in work at creation of the visual interface.
Pages: 48-50
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