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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Reaction-diffusion model in analysis of territories development in the spatial economics and of "dead zones" formation
spatial economics
economic activity
reaction-diffusion model
dead zone
necessary and sufficient conditions of "dead zone" occurrence
V.V. Andreev - Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Head of Department - Telecommunication
Systems and Technologies?, Chuvash State University (Cheboksary). E-mail: andreev_vsevolod@mail.ru
In spatial economics it often happens, when certain activities, which do not have natural geographic specifics, is developing in some regions more successful, than in others. Also, sometimes in some territories one or other business idea (or project, or initiative) not receives the proper development, despite the enormous efforts, that is made for its development. On the development of certain economic activities in the region infrastructural and institutional factors influence. But their comprehensive estimation, like the analysis of their impact on economic effectiveness, are difficult and often unreliable. In this paper for description and study of this phenomenon an approach is suggested, which based on the use equations, that are applied to describe the reaction-diffusion processes in physical and chemical systems. In reaction-diffusion processes, occurring in a some spatial region, under certain conditions a phenomenon of the "dead zone" origin is observed. In physical and chemical systems in the diffusion-reaction processes under the "dead zone" is understood a region of space, in which the substances, involved in these processes, do not penetrate absolutely due to the high rate of reaction conversions and slow diffusion rate. In this paper within the framework of reaction-diffusion model the possible propagation mechanisms and realization on a certain territory of initiative on development of business projects are investigated. Necessary and sufficient conditions of "dead zone" formation on some part of the territory were defined and investigated.
Pages: 3-12
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