350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Throughput of quasiperfect systems. comparison with shannon systems
B.A. Mikhailov  Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, MTUCI
The cycle of articles devoted to principles of construction of quasiperfect systems, maximising throughput, the resolution of elements of an entrance signal in the day off on the basis of use of an information resource of a signal according to Wiener-Peli theorem of analytical continuation of a spectrum demands positioning of the reached results in relation to traditional, comparisons of achievable results on this way with available and theoretical limits now in use. This purpose is pursued by present article. For the best understanding a problematics and results of the presented research familiarity of readers with illumination of these questions in the reference literature is recommended. As base object for comparison with quasiperfect systems are chosen ideal shannon systems as the best, more difficult object for comparison is not present now. Thus as criteria of comparison all indicators used Shannon for the description of the theorem, and also the generalised indicator of quality of system of the transfer, offered by the Banquet and Dorofeyev are accepted According to specificity quasiperfect systems, for reduction of sufficient volume of comparisons are used criterion for shortening pulse reaction of system and criterion of restoration infinite a signal (signal in in shorter intervals). Comparison is conducted for not causal systems (systems of specific shooting with realisation of function of an algorithmic superresolving hyperspectrometer) and for causal systems (with achievement of speeds of the transfer exceeding shannon throughput). On the basis of the resulted materials the conclusion becomes: the superiority quasiperfect systems over shannon is considerable on all indicators, this superiority grows with expansion of a virtual strip of frequencies on the basis of АСS.
Pages: 15-21

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