350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The selection of modulated radio signals on the lines with distributed settings
B.K. Filimonov, N.P. Shmakov, I.V. Demichev, A.V. Alekseenko
Superheterobyne method of radio signals reception is widely used for the selection of radio signals. However it is necessary to employ multiple-frequency conversion of sensed signal for providing the required rejection-s level of spurious receive chains originated in this way. The spurious receive shains are not originated during the interference and modulation mode of the selection of radio signals, which is based on signals - demodulation assisted by the lines with distributed settings (LDS.) On the basis of A. V. Gaponov and M. A. Miller theory we made a mathematical substantiation of the radio signal selection possibility by means of suggested circuit of LDS. This article demonstrates that the method of radio signal selections allous: to reject the spurious receive chains in gerent in super heterodyne method of reception; increase the frequency coverage to 6 times unchanged the LDS proportion; eliminate the radio set frequency tuning in the time of changing of sensed signal-s frequency.
Pages: 7-14
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