350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Quantum models of thin films formation
V.I. Lebedev
The new quantum approach to the kinetic description of formation thin films is developed. The process of formation of a film is considered as a first order phase transitions by epitaxial on a crystal substrate. Spinodals or phase diagrams of occurrence of film structure at various values of atomic interactions in films and atoms with a substrate are received. The theoretical researches of temperature and density dependencies to energy activations at termodesorbtion silicon with tapes of the tantalum are developed. There are the qualitative coincidence experimental dates with result of the numerical count. The Intensity lateral interactions of atoms in thin films and energy of its interaction with layers atoms are evaluated. The structural changes in film with change degree of covering are shown. Processes of nonequilibrium structured phase transition, being accompanied critical change parameters in film are explored. Structural phase transition «order-disorder» in film in models with Dikke Hamiltonian is studied. Synergetic models of structural phase transitions in films are investigated.
Pages: 97-103
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