350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Analytical model of the performance assessment of the transport networks
G.I. Lines
The question of the provisional performance assessment of the transport network that has not yet established on the basis of analytical and simulation models inevitably arises during the projecting, especially in the early stages of development of the transport infrastructure. The purpose of article is: 1. The development of theoretically substantiated engineering methods which provide the assessment of the maximal possible performance of the transport networks while meeting the requirements for quality of service users, as in the early stages of the projecting and upgrading of transport infrastructure sites and channels. 2. An identification of real performance of the transport network, taking into account the packet loss, depending on the load factor. The concepts and analytical expressions of capacity of the limit, maximal, real and specific performance were obtained, where the transport network is represented by SMO M/M/n/m. The methods of performance determination can also be used for other models of SMO. It enables to get the fundamental features of information exchange of the transport networks with analytic method for various topological structures in order to settle the challenges of structural synthesis.
Pages: 18-24
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