350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm determination presence of the areas raised ionizing in ionosphere
K.A. Katkov, N.N. Gakhova
Nowadays rapid development of information communication technology makes it possible to solve a lot of difficult problems. One of such problems is the detection of parameters of areas of heavy ionospheric disturbance which were caused artificially. So, complex HAARP (USA, Alaska) ensures the power of radiation to the ionosphere which is 10 times higher than solar radiation. But it is rather difficult to determine exactly what areas of the ionosphere are subjected to radio heating, as well as the features of such disturbed areas. The creation of extensive network of atmospheric probing stations is an obvious breakthrough notwithstanding their high cost. At the same time two global satellite radio navigation systems (SRNS) are started up today. On occurrence of strong ionospheric disturbances SRNS navigational radio signals will inevitably be distorted. At present there are thirty simultaneously "observed" navigational devices. This number will increase when a new SRNS is introduced. The purpose of the article is to develop a technique of hyperionization areas (HIA) detection in the time of artificial ionosperic disturbances of navigational radio signals in modern SRNS. It is suggested that the value of average quadratic deflection (AQD) of electronic concentration (EC) fluctuation in the ionosphere as well as the presence of all visible navigational radio signals of frequency selective decay (FSD) in radio circuits be determined using modified equipment of SRNS consumers. The increase of AQD of EC fluctuation and FSD of received radio signals confirms the HIA presence in the ionosphere. If a part of radio signals is subjected to FSD, and the other part gets consumers undistorted, it is possible to make a conclusion about HIA locality in the ionosphere, and consequently about its artificial nature. Direction-finding of navigational space devices which signals are subjected to FSD will make it possible to determine HIA approximate coordinates as well as their sizes. The determination of AQD value of EC fluctuation will make it possible to determine the degree of ionosphere disturbance. The algorithm of HIA detection in the ionosphere has been developed. On the basis of the suggested technique it is possible to create a system of operative ionosphere probing based on the modified navigational receivers which does not need great spending and has high mobility.
Pages: 8-15
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