350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The increase of the bee family productivity
V.V. Semenov, A.R. Ganeev
Beekeepers spend significant resources to maintain optimal conditions for development of bees and control their condition. In summer it's swarming, bees, receiving over young bees in the family, the flown of other bees, etc. In winter is a process of spending winter, rodent invasion, and lack of feed, low temperature in the hive. Article regards device for remote control of bee families and alerts, the beekeeper on situations requiring his intervention. Beekeeper will remotely provided operational information on the status of bee-colony. The result of intensive capacity device will become: biomass bee families, lack of loss of bees in hibernation, preventing unwanted swarming, decreased time to service the bee families, that will increase productivity by 40 %, and efficiency of beekeeper at 60 %. Conducted research has collected a rich library of audio samples on an experienced Beekeeper's (Kuyrgazinskii district of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Carried out development work - developed a prototype of the device. The device-s approbation is being experienced at Beekeeper's farm. The device is suggested to be mounted into beehive to control and stabilize of important bee-colony parameters, and to monitor continuously bees biological state. Beekeeper can take steps to stabilize bee-family in optimum productivity state. New in concept of building an information system are: using digital signal processing methods, artificial neural networks to diagnostics and original methods of biologic data analysts.
Pages: 67-73
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