350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Assessment and prediction of pollutants concentration from vehicles by means of homorganic method in ground layer of the atmosphere
E.V. Molodtsov, V.V. Tatarinov, A.A. Tomilov
Assessment of environment and transition from quality to quantity indexes in an urgent task of environmental monitoring. In the development of system approach to technical - ecologic indexes the task of estimating of interaction between the road transportation complex and the environment was set, which is also an urgent problem. It was determined that variety and imperfection of assessment methods used for estimating the impact of transport pollution on people, fauna and flora, and also global cumulation of some contaminants in the Earth-s biosphere cause unreasonably big loses in socio-economic sphere. An accessible and efficient method of estimating and predicting of environmental pollution level caused by transportation by means of nomogramms is suggested.
Pages: 77-80
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