350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Features of an estimation of a ecologo-economic efficiency of investment projects in modern conditions
O.L. Pererva, A.V. Razmahova
Ecological additional expenditures are connected to necessity of development of such kinds of economic activities which protect company from negative effects of production and consumption and include costs for treatment of the population, neutralization, liquidation and killing of industrial waste products, the prevention of effect on company of the polluted environment, etc. Such costs arise with transition of an environing natural habitat from the category of free resources in the category of rare resources. In the domestic literature these costs refer to as ecological costs. Ecological costs are divided on two parts - nature protection costs and economic damage from ecological breaking. The first part - costs of the prevention with the help of nature protection actions of ecological breaking, in particular, on the prevention of environmental pollution by means of ecologically hazardous actions. To nature protection costs concern costs of creation and operation of clearing and neutralizing structures, development and introduction of without waste technologies, organization of sanitary buffers, monitoring systems and managements of a level of pollution of mediuim. Research of these costs basically is reduced to development of methodical questions of an estimation of nature protection costs, their communication with ecological requirements and to search of ways of economies of these costs. The second part, economic damage. Nature protection costs and economic damage are interconnected: the nature protection costs, the less rendered damage are higher. Environmental pollution results in occurrence of two kinds of costs: on liquidation of negative effect and environmental rehabilitation, and also the costs caused by effect on recipients of a polluted environment. Last arise, if the complete prevention of negative effect is impossible. The sum of costs of these two types refers to as economic damage from environmental pollution. Costs of liquidation of negative consequences and environmental rehabilitation, restoration or reproduction of natural resources concern to ecological and social costs instead of lost, the missed benefit or the half-received incomes damage from loss or decrease of quality of natural resources, free goods and services.
Pages: 51-58
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