350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics scatterings of objects depending on geometrical and electrophysical heterogeneity in radio-absorbing coatings
O.E. Kiryanov, P.A. Fedyunin, A.I. Kazmin
Reduction radar visibility samples of weapons and military equipment is one of the most important factors to increase their combat effectiveness. The most common and effective way to reduce the radar visibility of objects is the use absorbing coatings on their most reflective elements. During the operation models of weapons and military equipment, especially in difficult conditions and limits mechanical and thermal loads (which are most significant for aircraft), unavoidable situations where the absorbing coatings will result in various injuries and heterogeneity in the form of peeling, cracking, chips, scratches. Irregularities are additional local scattering centers and can lead to an increase in effective surface scattering objects. Thus, evaluation of the impact inhomogeneities on the scattering characteristics objects is an important and urgent task. In this article the mathematical model of the scattering electromagnetic waves by perfectly conducting objects with absorbing coatings, and give an estimate of the influence inhomogeneities in the absorbing coatings on the scattering characteristics test objects. An assessment of the influence geometrical and electrophysical inhomogeneities in the absorbing coatings on the level effective surface scattering using two-dimensional mathematical model. In the mathematical model used in the most universal method of integral equations. As test objects are considered perfectly conducting infinitely thin objects, for which a uniform layer marked with radio-absorbing coating dielectric constant and magnetic permeability. As a result of mathematical modeling shows that if there are irregularities in the high-absorbing coating applied to reduce the visibility objects, echoing these facilities can substantially increased: in the case of flat objects, mainly in the lateral lobe scattering in the case objects the curvature in the broad sectors angles scattering diagrams
Pages: 53-58
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