350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The robotized installation for research of processes of influence of external factors on search of hardly noticeable objects by means of air infra-red equipment
I.N. Ishchuk, O.V. Korol, E.V. Virnigorova
Air infra-red equipment is widely used for the decision of problems as air reconnaissance, so at control of a condition of various objects and environment. Possibility of remote search of defects and control of serviceability of the engineering equipment and constructions by means of infra-red systems is based that a superficial thermal (radiating) field of objects of control, its existential structure displays internal geometrical, thermal properties and other anomalies of these objects breaking their normal state and functioning. Processing dynamic thermograms, to become possible to establish an original cause of observable temperature anomalies, namely thermal properties object (nearly invisible object) in structure of the basic material. The method of search of hardly noticeable objects on the basis of mathematical model of the non-stationary heat exchange, containing statement coefficient tasks a return problem of heat conductivity in the form of system of the non-uniform nonlinear differential equations of parabolic type is considered. For the purpose of improvement of quality of research of process of search of hardly noticeable objects by means of air infra-red equipments by its automation and application of a method of remote measurement , thermal properties of non-uniform environments, the robotized installation on modeling of IR-monitoring of a terrestrial surface is developed. The presented robotized installation, allows to make in vitro semi-natural experiments on detection of hardly noticeable objects according to IR-shooting infra-red equipment the receiver placed onboard the pilotless flying machine of helicopter type. The data of experimental researches reflecting practical results of work is cited
Pages: 47-53
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