350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Ecological danger qualimetry of military natural-technogenic systems
V.M. Umyvakin, A.V. Shvets, M.O. Gedzenko
To ensure the effective functioning of modern military natural-technogenic systems (VPTS) actual problem is an integrated assessment of ecological (environmental) danger of territories of their placement. This assessment is based on the principles of non-additive qualimetry and satisfies the following substantial requirements: assessment can detect areas (zones) VPTS, dangerous in the ecological plan, assessment is a certain «composite» formula, in which «merged» private assessment on certain indicators of quality, methods construction of private assessments are part of the design methodology of integrated assessment, integrated assessment is adaptive, i.e. allows to expand the list of private indicators of quality. The proposed models and methods building non-additive the integral assessment of environmental dangers VPTS differ from counterparts in that: private quality indicators of the territory of their placement can be measured both in quantitative and in non-numeric scales; the requirements to the quality of the territories VPTS are set in the form of regulatory levels (lower limits permissible values) for each indicator of the quality of separately; uncertainty is (vagueness) and the inconsistency in the quality requirements for the territories VPTS with the task of permissible deviations from the normative levels; can account disparity private assessments of the quality of territories VPTS based on a determination of their weights, etc. For its substantive interpretation proposed the use of a special type of ordinal scales - verbal and numerical scale «desirability» Harrington
Pages: 34-40
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