350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the status of the teaching and research work in the technical universities of Russia at the present time
N.А. Bychkov
Оver the past six years, the Russian education system has undergone and continues to undergo significant changes. Changes in priorities, structure, content and in-school science as an element of the educational process. The main priority for elected innovative education. Transition to innovative education for higher educational establishments of Russia implies change model, i.e., to replace the model of «lecture-laboratory-practice» should come «model-development» project, which involves attracting students to science and research (INR) in high school. In these circumstances, the learning process should be automated or fully managed to build innovation-motivated and qualified staff, capable of ensuring the introduction and implementation of innovation in enterprises and organizations of the Russian economy. An important consideration in the preparation of the innovation-oriented programmes is the involvement of universities in carrying out scientific research in the framework of national and international programmes at various levels, and the introduction of new innovative technologies in education. Training of research students (UIRS) in modern conditions should rely on technology to ensure a high level of substantive knowledge and skills (subject-oriented) and personality-oriented technologies of training (learning as: educational research, pedagogic workshops, collective mysledeâtel′nost′ and heuristic teaching). And subject-oriented should not be an end in itself, and that undergraduate personality-oriented technologies. These technologies are aimed at improving the quality of training and education of qualified bachelors and masters capable of creatively apply scientific and technological and cultural progress in practice. The entire organization UIRS should aim to work together teacher and student for planning (design), organization, guidance and correction of the educational process to achieve a particular result. In carrying out this process and the learner and the teacher must be in comfortable conditions. There are many methods for realization of educational technology, both new and previously, in one form or another, were used. One such method is a method of projects. The essence of The project is its practical orientation, and it is obtained by solving a significant problem, practical or theoretical. One of the areas of information technology, coupled with the use of the Internet, is the development and application in the electronic UIRS educational resources. Integration of Internet information resources in UIRS improves the quality of solutions for a number of didactic tasks in the classroom and research students. Wide application of information technology in organizations UIRS allows to provide information in clearly-shaped form. This allows students to perceive information not sequentially as in a traditional way of teaching, and block-parallel, significantly improves the efficiency of the reception and processing of information to students. Information visualization skills presented in the form of texts (in paper and electronic media), is needed, students as future scientists. A person's ability to visually detect and interpret complex templates is a very important addition to the analytical techniques to identify value (or anomalies) scientific data sets. The transition to a new content model technical training requires change of learning technologies. This technology is not about teaching, as in the previous system of education, way of the transfer of knowledge (information), and the student's ability to independently acquire knowledge through self organization of its training and learning, research and training activities at all stages of education
Pages: 85-93
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