350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The impact of laser radiation on the process of disinfection of water
O.V. Yakovleva, S.N. Nikulina
Summary: at present, the industrial enterprises, including enterprises of mechanical engineering and electronics, for technical water use tap water or water from various water intakes. The nature and conditions of water supply system of technical enterprises can be open or closed, and one of the regulatory requirements for quality of water used in industrial processes, is its decontamination. The present level of requirements for cleaning and water management - is to ensure a stable discharge and use of the maximum possible production of purified water in the enterprise with a view to its reuse. The current scheme does not allow wastewater to achieve such results, as applied to plants reagent method does not provide stability in the purification processes, increases the TDS of purified water, but it does not allow re-use water in production processes across the enterprise. Identifying opportunities for creating technologies that enable on the one hand - to get a more stable quality natural water at the present stage, on the other - and dramatically reduce the exclusive use of reagent methods electroplating wastewater, formed the basis of the study. The studies were conducted on the basis of the latest methods of physico-chemical treatment, namely the laser irradiation on the process of disinfection of natural waters and to changes in the efficiency of electroplating wastewater of mechanical engineering and electronics
Pages: 79-84
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