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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Half-centuries to domestic laser technique: unique technologies of development and manufacture EКB
K.A. Amelitheva, V.P. Marin, N.I. Pchelintseva, N.V. Jarantsev
The special place in making small-sized monoblock ring lasers borrowsan electrons - a cold cathode. His longevity and stable serviceability in He-Ne intermixtures in requirements of the abnormal glow discharge providing pumping, has largely allowed to reach progress in development of batch production of the modern laser gyroscopes. At making domestic cold cathodes for small-sized monoblock laser gyroscopes rigid conditions of operation of a cold cathode in the abnormal glow discharge have been a priori incorporated: volume He-Ne of an intermixture of 50 sm3, relations of partial pressures of builders PHe:PNe=5:1-15:1, blanket pressure PHeNe=200-400 Pа, density of a discharge current on a cold cathode of 1 мА/sm2. These are actually actual requirements for embodying process of cathode sputter of metal materials. In these requirements of functioning of the abnormal glow discharge the cold cathode during all service life practically should not be sprayed and at the same time it should carry out the basic function: delivery of electrons in glow-discharge plasma for his continuous burning. The idea of maintenance of his long-term operation consist in a volume to protect the surface of the cold metal cathode which is letting out electrons, feebllysprayed during a bombardment positively ionized atoms and the accelerated particles of a glow discharge, the dielectric film, for example, oxide-coated. Such film should have pores and flaws for receipt through them of electrons from a metal part of a cold cathode as mobile electrons in a dielectric are not present. However, as appeared, these flaws and pores became in due course places of local fracture of an effective area of a cold cathode of system metal - oxide metal, as restricted term of his service. Making voidfree nanostructure metal - oxide metal with thickness of sull in some nanometers through which electrons from metal could «be drawn down», non-destructive itself nanofilms, has demanded the considerable volume theoretical and experimental researches which circumscribed in the given operation. Manufacturing methods and nanostructure for the molecular lasers on the СО2-intermixture are not less complex. Some high technology technologies of their reception circumscribed in given paper
Pages: 61-72
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