350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the efficiency of the dynamics innovation based on the innovation strategy and long-term forecsts
V.N. Kirillov
Innovation Strategy - a selection of the best ways (and at the same time the way itself) technical and technological development, based on long-term forecasting, comparing the external and internal factors, taking into account resource constraints. The formation and implementation of innovative strategies - a necessary condition for the development of a national economy as a whole and individual enterprise. Refinement of the basic parameters of the planning horizon of innovation policies have contributed to the development of "Strategies for Innovation Development of the Russian Federation until 2020." The aim of the strategy is translated in 2020 the Russian economy to an innovative path of development. The main systemic problem to be solved by modern strategy lies in the fact that the pace of development and structure of the Russian R & D sector does not fully meet the needs of national security and the growing demand from some segment of the business sector in the advanced technology. At the end of 2008 the development of two long-term forecasts of scientific and technological development was completed. They were prepared independently by the two ministries - the Ministry of Education and Science (Long-term prognosis for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation (2025) - Further Forecast MES) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Technological Development of the Russian Federation in the long term (2030) - Further Forecast RAS). Evaluation of these documents will certainly be taken into account in the mechanism of realization of the goals of innovation strategy. Assessment will take into account the recommendations of the state economic policy and real business. In general, forecast MES contains more detailed information on both the initial conditions, which require the analysis to make predictions and actual results for the prediction. At the same time in Outlook, the RAS has two blocks, not worked in the Forecast MES. This - the forecast of resource supply of science and innovation development of indicators and analysis of trends in the development of basic research. In assessments of the current state of scientific and technological areas in the projections of MES and the RAS have minor differences. Forecasts differ significantly in terms of assessment methods. Finally, both the forecast include proposals for the development of innovation policy. In the RAS Outlook is given a list of what should be done as a policy, without detailing the tools and approaches. Forecast of MES with regard to the recommendations on innovation policy is also largely declarative, but it has worked over a number of measures - in support of the development institutions, the implementation of major innovative projects of national importance (VIP Project), the formation of technology platforms. Thus, while the forecasts presented do not give a clear understanding of the development strategy of the innovation system, including in times of crisis, the sequence and content of the measures of state regulation.
Pages: 63-68
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