350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Economic instruments of the innovation incentive
V.N. Kirillov
Foreign industrialized countries use a significant amount of economic instruments for innovation. The stability of the tax system itself makes it a long-term motivational. Elements to stimulate scientific and technological advancement in the tax systems of different countries with developed market economies differ in the quantitative indicators, but the use of fiscal instruments are comparable. In the tax system tax incentives play a crucial role to encourage those activities of corporations that are desirable and feasible from the standpoint of the state. For the formation and implementation of an effective innovation policy systematization of the existing tax benefits and their evaluation for consistency and problems of administration are required, on the one hand, and the identification of those tax benefits that are most relevant for the modernization of production and innovation, on the other. Analysis of the Russian innovation system shows that at the legislative level, the last two decades have not resolved the questions of definition and criteria for the areas of innovation, identifying the subjects of innovation, as well as the criteria for classification of tax preferences to the preferences with regard to innovation. Much of this problem depends on the consolidation of regulatory laws and regulations of the terms "innovation", "the subject of innovation" as well as criteria for classification of tax exemptions and tax preferences to the measures of innovation, as in the official tax reporting there are no indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of tax privileges and preferences in order to stimulate innovation.
Pages: 55-62
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