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350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Proximity detection of nonlinear conductance in metallic island film
I.E. Protsenko, A.V. Uskov, I.A. Sherstnev
The authors of [A.P. Boltaev Nanomaterials and nanostructures - XXI, 2011. No 14 P. 14] experimentally investigated island metal films - thin layers of titanium or permalloy on various substrates. During film growth, their thickness is maintained sufficiently low to preserve their granular or "island" character. The dependence of the lateral conductivity of the film on the value of the applied voltage was discovered, which is connected with the tunneling of carriers between separate islands. Nonlinear conductivity of films can be used as means of protection against forgery of security printed products and other products - the special tag, the conductivity of which is measured by a special device, and a sign of the authenticity of the product is the presence of nonlinear conductivity. Island films with nonlinear conductivity also of interest as the electronic elements with varying or controlled properties.
This article deals with the theoretical study of nonlinear conductivity in the island metallic films. In order to describe the results obtained in [1], the authors proposed a mathematical model of the conductivity with the dissipative nonlinearity. With the help of this model in the first part of the work the frequency dependences of the coefficients of nonlinearity were found from the experimental data. In the second part of the work a simple way of detecting of nonlinear conductivity was proposed. This method includes both contact and noncontact (using capacitive contacts) scheme. Noncontact scheme is used, if the film is covered with protective dielectric layer. Finding the most optimal parameters of the proposed scheme to obtain the maximum response was an important part of the work. As a result the selected parameters of the scheme allowed to reach 14% response of the system, which is easily detected without the use of highly sensitive expensive instruments.
Pages: 41-54