350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of competitive advantage of goodwill in innovation
V.N. Kirillov
Knowledge has become very important for the formation of a new use-value, which led to the creation of adequate economic mechanism of their movement, recording, evaluation, and sharing the results of intellectual labor has become one of the most important areas of international economic relations. There was a need to incorporate the systems of national accounts data is not only about the organization's strategy, future cash flows and financial areas of work, the fair value of assets, but also of intangible assets, i.e. assets that have no physical bodily form, but endowed with the «intangible value» and thus bringing us an additional income. Intangible assets are considered as belonging to the subjects of our business values, which are not physical, material object embodying the value of its physical nature, but with the cost, monetary value by allowing the use and benefit from income. A successful foreign experience of transition to innovative economy (Japan, USA, China) showed that the basic condition for this transition is the formation of the intellectual property market. Japan, since 1960, first met the capitalization of intangible assets of their businesses through the intellectual property market, buying foreign rights to the results of intellectual work protected by patents and know-how, etc., and turning them after the revaluation of intangible assets in the greater value. The problem of insufficient capitalization of Russian companies due to the undervaluation of intangible assets is now extremely urgent.
Pages: 65-70
  1. Карпова Н.Н. Интеллектуальная собственность в системе мирохозяйственных связей // Дисс. - д.э.н. М. 2002.
  2. Положение по бухгалтерскому учету «Учет нематериальных активов» (ПБУ 14/2007), которое вступило в силу, начиная с бухгалтерской отчетности 2008 г. (ПБУ 14/2000 «Учет нематериальных активов» утратило силу). Многие нормы ПБУ 14/2007 взяты из его международного аналога - МСФО (IAS) 38 «Нематериальные активы» (Intangible Assets). Система
    US GAAP имеет серьезные особенности учета нематериальных активов.
  3. Карпова Н.Н. Интеллектуальная собственность в системе мирохозяйственных связей // Дисс. - д.э.н. М. 2002. С. 160-161.