350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Radio production factors environmental conservation in the female staff safety and health
V.O. Fedorov, V.P. Gatchenko
Urgent task of the modern development in Russian Federation is the area of effective intellectual potential use and carrying about the health of its carries - a staff of scientific and industrial organizations. The most important manufactory field is electronics development. Electronics remains a priority in the global market of modern technologies. The main industry employees are women. Female body has a higher sensitivity to the harmful factors effects than a male body. Adverse effects of environment on the body of women at reproductive age have negative impact on the offspring development. For example, there may be a genetic damage to germ cells, and as a result, the embryos arise congenital diseases of internal organs and central nervous system. For working women of reproductive age in the level of exposure to harmful factors of production, which does not cause any signs of occupational diseases, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of his health, even when the performance of a harmful factor is below its monthly average concentration limits. This is especially true for pregnant workers. This article describes and analyzes data about the state of health and safety of womwn in the USA, Japan and in detail in Russia.
Pages: 58-63
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