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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Interdependences of key parameters of cold cathodes and technological modes the processings apparent in monoblock heliumneon lasers
V.I. Chvorostov, A.P. Korzhavyi, E.P. Prolejko
The lead examinations of interdependences of properties of cold cathodes and influences of technological modes of processing of resonators of small-sized helium-neon monoblock lasers have allowed to reveal the interesting scientific data. So, it set, that use of a method of individual grading of cold cathodes on quantity of retardation of an ignition by means of installation such as "Redoubt" allows to define trusty a degree of influence of various technological actions at all fabrication stages of a cold cathode and during manufacturing laser monoblock small-sized resonators. The most effective processing is ionic-plasma clearing of interior surfaces of a monoblock with use of demountable auxiliary electrodes, warranted allowing to gain the underload available time of a cold cathode for operation in the laser resonator and, hence, to provide his high reliability and longevity (service life). It is confirmed with that designed ionic-plasma processing (IPP) of laser resonators appeared rather effective in manufacturing small-sized monoblock He-Ne lasers. Express trains-examinations have confirmed, that operating time He-Ne of laser resonators of small-sized monoblock type within 50 clocks per a working intermixture of gases changes time of retardation of an ignition depending on a degree of cleanliness of an interior surface of a monoblock, including a cold cathode. Measurings are executed on 6-ти resonators, past all operation cycle. It is proved, that the most effective processing is IPP with auxiliary electrodes, warranted allowing to gain the least available time of the cathode for operation in a composition of the small-sized monoblock laser.
Pages: 46-52
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