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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
A.Yu. Mestcheryakov, A.V. Beznayev., A.S. Kolokolov, S.N. Osipov, V.P. Yachno
Technical progress of the last two decades has led to significant changes with redistribution of time for human existence in various habitats. Most of the human life is spent at objects with artificial environment (AHE). Importance of decision of problem of providing of safety of air on objects with AHE is explained by the anxious ecological situation folded the last years in many cities of Russia. Hundreds of towns and settlements of the Russian Federation have average annual levels of atmosphere pollution, greatly exceeding sanitary and hygienic norms. State of air environment in city in 2010 estimated Moscow as critical. Approach of the systems in the decision of problem of safety by an air environment on objects with AHE allows orienting researchers on all complexes of problems arising up in connection with the studied problem and most effectively to realize the got results of researches. The problems of the air safety of human living objects are discussed according to the system approach position. The questions of choice of criteria of safety of air are considered in objects with artificial human environment. By safety of air on an object with AHE it is the system of the medical, biological, organizational, technical measures and tools, sent to protecting of man and environments from influence of biological agents. The having a special purpose infection of air environment is possible pathogenic for a man microorganisms as a result of possible assassinations. By the criteria of safety of air on objects with AHE there are dangers, rendering negative influence on an artificial environment habitation of object, capable of mischief to the health and life of man. Internal and external dangers can not possess electoral property and affect not only man. By sources and carriers of dangers on objects with AHE are: air, technogenic environment, natural processes and phenomena, actions of people. Problem of providing of safety of air environment on objects with AHE, is complex and requires research of new technologies and management methods an air environment. Must pay attention to the questions of biological safety of air environment on such objects, prevention of origin, height and distribution of microorganisms able to cause irreversible harm to the health of man. The new method of providing of safety of air is offered and considered on an object with AHE. A method is based on a by volume electrostatic capture and local besieging of the being in mid air self-weighted particles (hard, aerosols, radioactive and other). Realization of this method allows effectively deleting all contaminations from the air environment of object with ИСО, including the particulate and aerosol matters self-weighted in mid air. Social meaningfulness of researches in area of providing of safety of air environment on objects with the artificial environment of habitation is expressed by upgrading of air and decline of influence of negative internal and external factors, influencing on the environment of habitation of object, providing of comfort terms of its vital functions, decline of risk of appearance and development of diseases, maintenance of health, increase of life-span of man factors.
Pages: 62-68
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