350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
S. Yu. Khashirova, Kh. Kh. Sapaev, A. S. Vindizheva, I. V. Musov, A. K. Mikitaev
Accounting for the estimations of Russian fire service specialists, the electric cables and wires hold the first line in the list of fire-hazardous electrotechnical articles according to the main fire factors such as quantity of ignitions, size of material damage and of number dead ends. The plastics such as polyvinylchloride are especially danger in respect to the ignitions because they contain plastificators which are of high fire-risk caused by increased combustibility, flammability, fume-formation and toxicity of burn products. That is why the requirements to the cable products become stricter on parameters of fire safety, more attention is paid to the principles of se-lection of halogen-free ignition inhibitors, composition of antipyrenes, reactions of modification with introduction of fragments decreasing combustibility of polymers. The influence of synergetic mix of organoclay with magnesium hydroxide and ammonium polyphosphate on the combustibility and thermal re-sistance of industrial plastisized polyvinylchloride (labeled I 40-13 A) has been studied here. The use of synergetic mix of organoclay with magnesium hydroxide and ammonium polyphosphate as filler in plastisized polyvinylchloride has been shown to decrease essentially the waste of expensive antipyrenes and to produce the cable plastisizer of improved fire- and thermal resistance and physic-mechanical properties. The dielectric properties of obtained compositions are 10 times better than those of initial polyvinylchloride.
Pages: 27-30
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