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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Topological and radiation imperfections influence on elastic characteristics of carbon nanotubes
carbon nanotubes
computer simulation
topological and radiation defects
mechanical propertie
Nyi Nyi Hlaing, S.A. Ginzgeymer, Yu.S. Belov, Tin Ko Ko Win, A.N. Proskurnin, B.M. Loginov
The computer simulation of the stressedly-deformed state of carbon nanotubes with topological and radiation defects have been conducted. The examination was carried out in quasi-dynamic approach by finding nanotubes equilibrium configurations for different level of deformations. The carbon nanotubes mechanical characteristics dependences on density of different type defects and peculiarities of their distribution was received and analyzed. The typical regularities in nanotubes Young-s modulus and relative weakening dependences on density and type of the defects, connected with stepped variation of derivative of mentioned input-output dependencies by defects density reaching its critical value have been established; it has been shown that radiation defects influence on carbon nanotubes mechanical characteristics is practically independent on nanotubes chirality.
Pages: 45-52
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