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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis detection and identification of ground and air targets
B. S. Lobanov, A.S. Sigov, N. V. Milovanova, V. I. Nefedov, N. A. Kushnarev, E. A. Popov
Detection, tracking, identification and classification of aircraft and ground fzcilities only radar methods and means of facing the problem of stealth targets. At the same time to practice and well developed methods for detection and identification of thermal targets, which also gave limitations. Currently, there is a problem creating comprehensive methods and means of detection, to improve their performance. Identified the advantages and disadvantages of detection and object recognition with the use of thermal imaging, heat radar and radar. Sharing TV, TRL and RL for the detection and recognition expands the class of recognizable objects, increases the probability of correct recognition through the use of more features and more informative features available through the joint measurement of objects by different means. Significant advantage of this feature recognition is a practical impossibility to recognize counter by depositing on the surface of bojects radar. The possibility of recognizing objects by their impulse response. It is shown that the sharing of TV, TRL and RL can significantly weaken the influence of the basic lack of recognition of objects the radar - no stealth detection and object recognition from absorbing materials. Noted the appearance of distortions of pulses antennas, not overloking the low-frequency part of the pulse spectrum. The possibility of eliminating this shortcoming by introducing a wieght signal processing and theuse of filtering properties of the quadrature detector. The possibility of expansion relative range of frequencies used by radar due to parallel operation antennas of different bands, which reduces the side lobe level pulse radar without significantly reducing its duration.
Pages: 3-9
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