350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The concept of the decision support system in the informational and analytical activity
А.О. Arzhanov, A.V. Elshin, A.I. Mirzaev
The article is devoted to finding ways of resolving the contradiction between the need to ensure the reliability of decisions made during the informational and analytical activity and the lack of effective methods of decision making. This contradiction makes relevant the decision support systems (DSS) in the applied domain. Currently there are two promising approach in building DSS. They are the expert systems, in which the applied domain model is presented as the rules governing relations between its elements, and an analysis data preparation system using a cybernetic model of the applied domain. A serious drawback of the expert systems determining their poor performance in the dynamic and broad applied domain is that it is difficult to manage a system of rules, as well as it is impossible to extract the "hidden" knowledge of an expert. The alternative approach is based on identifying patterns in the state of the object, to be further interpreted and analyzed. Thus, the DSS as analysis data preparation are based on the principle of the rational combination of human intelligence and computational capabilities.
Pages: 31-34
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